File menu Use this menu to restart TurboGopher,Connect directly to specific servers, save, and print. Displays the contents of the Clipboard (a storage area for the last item cut or copied) Finds the next item with the characteristics you last specified using the Find command. Not available at this time because there is no active document window. Finds the next item with the characteristics you last specified using the Find command Searches for words within the active document window. Not available at this time because there is no active document window Searches for words within the active document window Selects all of the text in the active document window. Not available at this time because there is no active document window Selects all of the text in the active document window Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected Removes the selected text without storing it on the Clipboard Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Not available because there is nothing on the Clipboard or because the contents of the Clipboard cannot be inserted here Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point Copies the selected text. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected. Copies the selected text. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the the Clipboard. Not available now because nothing is selected. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the the Clipboard Undoes your last action. Not available now because your last action cannot be undone Undoes your last action Edit menu Use this menu to cut-copy-paste as well as to find text in Gopher document windows.